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							Abstract image depicting an icosagon on the left
							with poorly organised links between corners, and
							another icosagon on the right with many well
							structured links between corners.
Front end UI development can become hugely complex if code isn't managed well.

							Screen shot of content from component driven website 
							saying how to be component driven, build one component
							at a time.
Key concept behind Storybook. It's a general approach to both software development, and complex systems.

							Screen shot that is stylised describing a UI package
							for webOS systems, with links to the Storybook and 
Many companies use Storybook to give developers insight into the UI system available for their platform.

							Screen shot that is stylised describing a UI package
							for webOS systems, with links to the Storybook and 
Many companies use Storybook to give developers insight into the UI system available for their platform.
https://storybook.js.org/showcase/lg-electronics-enact [1]

							Collage of terminal screen shots of commands running
							to set up Storybook for development.
There's a lot of dependencies but it's all managed well by the scripts provided by Storybook. It doesn't take long to set up.

							Demonstration of the blurred vision accessibility
							simulation, with a breakout caption of the 22.9%
							of users text, and the blur band logo. Stylised to
							make the image almost unintelligible.
The tool provides features that simulated accessibility. It also has statistics about how many people would have the accessibility requirement, e.g. 23% have blurred vision.

Component Story Format (CSF) is the recommended way to write stories.
The "Story" is the source of truth for a component.
A story is a code snippet that renders an example of a component in a specific state.

						# Storybook CSF Tools
						An experimental library to read, analyze, transform, and write CSF programmatically.
						- Read - Parse a CSF file with Babel
						- Analyze - Extract its metadata & stories based on the Babel AST
						- Write - Write the AST back to a file
Storybook CSF Tools

							A code sample from Storybook CSF-Tools
Code sample showing a small function that does a lot more than I'd have expected... a rabbit hole of a function.

							A mandala representing UI component cost as complex data
							being sent into a meditating man who represents the code
							internals of storybook who is projecting a beam from his
							third eye, which transforms into a loaf of white bread
							representing the storybook output.
Storybook is an example of how to build a project designed to work with many different frameworks. I struggled to follow the structure of the project, but I realised the complexity comes from taking the code written by the creator of a generic "story" and making it work no matter the system used to generate the associated component.

It reminds me somewhat of a game engine, a relatively simple application, but built to to handle very complex data.

I wonder if anyone has created a Storybook using components from React Three Fiber...

							A storybook for a react three fiber project
							showing a low-poly model of a dog.
One of the engineers at Chromatic (main Storybook team) took a project from the makers of Three React Fiber, and built out a storybook from it.
winkerVSbecks code